When is city hall open?
Monday through Thursday, 8:00am - 4:30pm,
Friday, 8:00 am - 3 pm
Town Holidays are New Years Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the day after, Christmas and the day before or the day after.
What do WBOND and SBOND mean on my billing statement?
In the Summer of 2004, the Town Council passed an ordinance that created a water reserve (WBOND) fee, and a sewer reserve (SBOND) fee. These fees are used to pay toward a loan that the Town acquired to pay for the water and sewer replacement project that was completed in 2015. At the rate that we are currently paying the loan, it will be paid off at the end of 2032.
Where do I apply for a dog or cat license?
Dog and cat licenses can be obtained at the Police Dispatch office. Fees are $10.00 for each unneutered or unspayed dog or cat, and $2.50 for each neutered or spayed dog or cat.
What will the town take to the landfill?
The Town will transport approved material that is placed in the Town issued dumpsters. Citizens are encouraged to bag garbage if possible to limit the amount of debris that could fall out and litter streets and yards.
For all other materials, the person requesting service will be billed the appropriate dumping fees in addition to being billed for time associated with the labor and the equipment used to haul items to the landfill.
In order to reduce the amount of garbage that is taken to the landfill, the Town encourages citizens to use the vegetative waste site located behind the animal control shelter north of town. Contact Town Hall at 548-6551 for details and directions.