Open Burning

The Town submits a request each year for an open burning setback waiver from the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality.  When that request is approved, open burning is allowed under the following conditions:

WEEKENDS ONLY March through May and September through November

East of Shoshone Avenue may burn on Even Calendar Days, West of Shoshone Avenue may burn on Odd Calendar Days.  Allowed burning time is 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. with a 2 hour burn-down period.  All flames and smoke must be extinguished before 6:00 p.m.

Before lighting a fire, citizens must call the Police Dispatcher at 548-2215 to report intent to burn and to receive any current instructions related to weather or other conditions that might restrict burning for that day.

Citizens with health conditions that would be aggravated by smoke may call the Dispatcher at 548-2215 and burning will be restricted within the area around that citizen’s residence.